Saturday, August 06, 2005

Mobile lock keepers

The canal has really changed.
Before each lock house was occupied by a lock keeper, who would pass the barges through, occasionally helping out the neighbouring lock keeper as well.
Well that is no longer the case. There is obviously a new policy to reduce the number of lock keepers on the canal. Today they are equipped with VHF radios and are mobile with Vespa scooters.
When you present your barge at a strategic lock in the morning, there will be a lock keeper ready to escort you for the next 4 to 5 locks. So be prepared for a delay if you arrive without giving prior notice. The advantage is that you are sure to have a lock keeper once you are underway, this is especially so when going downstream.
In the "Good Old Days", it was not uncommon to arrive at a lock and wait and wait, whilst the person responsible was out shopping for example.
There are also quite a few of the houses no longer occupied by lock keepers, I've also heard it is muxh simpler to rent certain of these houses if you have a solid and appealing project such as a restaurant or cultural activity. This helps bring animation and events to the quite regions along the canal. However I miss having those arguments with lock keepers who were always late...

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